Wedding Photography Tips General advice

Things you should know about Photography

  • Film or Digital Wedding Photography?

    Each has it's benefits to workflows and end-products. What really matters is how comfortable the digital or non - digital photographer is with each process. What matters is the creation of unique and amazing photographs. Unless you have specific requirements for a certain medium (like blowing up to a 20"x30" for your fireplace), it really doesn't matter when almost all pictures in homes are either 4"x6" or 5"x7".
  • Don't get hung up on Megapixels

    Mostly important to men, megapixels are a false metric that doesn't determine the quality of a picture. From the camera body to the lens to the lighting, I've found out that the most important thing is the operator of the camera. If you need more evidence, feel free to look at this article here
  • Make sure you have enough light

    If you are getting ready in a house or hotel room, please open some windows. I once opened the blinds for a photographer (while I videotaped) to allow her to get a better shot (they were blurring in the low light). Sunlight is strong and natural. Flourescent light is horrible for photography (it actually casts a nasty green light on you).
  • Make sure you have shade

    Direct sunlight is also horrible for photography, since it makes shadows really harsh and dark. Group photographs are done ideally in some shade, some if you have a large group make sure there is a large shaded area. Don't forget that as the sun sets the light softens incredibly to allow for great photographs. Check out sunset times for your wedding and ask your venue how the light is during that time of year (since you may be asking at the opposite time of the year).

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